Monday, 24 June 2013

So what's changed in 18 years?

Romania, Brasov

A very long day from Hungary to our campsite in Brasov, over 
7 constant hours on pot hole covered roads with lawless drivers. 
Craig was driving through the border crossing and was the first to experience a very special driving experience where all sense of safety,common sense and lawfulness are cast aside. Near disaster was well avoided and as soon as we threw all the driving rules we apply out the window and adopted the local driving style we were just fine. Cutting people up, not using indicators and driving on the bumper of the car in front  was the way forward. Today felt like a long slog in 35 degree heat with constant sun and no shade. The drivers tan is developing well. Due to the miles ahead we only stopped to fuel and take comfort breaks, but they were hard to come. This is where I wished I had listened to advice to bring a "she wee" with me.  

We felt reassured while having a road side Sarnie that another team sped past, spotted us and came to check we were ok only to find us making our lunch. A bonus of being sticker covered Windy style is that we can easily spot one another. Some vehicles are easier to spot than others. 

On what was a very long drive we continued to play our game. If you see a camper van VW style you have to shout "billly" to claim a point. First to shout "billy" it. If you're in the front it's much easier so my score is not great.

Romania has changed. In the towns and cities there was obvious signs of growth in infrastructure and commercial expansion. Tesco extra have arrived here too and you can collect Club card points too. The villages and small towns haven't changed much I could say from 18 years ago when I visited. There are however new houses being built alongside the old properties. To amuse us on our journey we were stalk spotting. It seems they favour building their nests on the top of the telephone poles. I was not convinced they were real until there was movement. We of course had the Gysy spotting on over drive and couldn't resist the "Borat" lines each time we came across them. Between Stalks and Gypsies there were the frequent roadside prostitues   all day, through out the day. 

On arrival into Brasov it was unrecognisable. A huge sprawling metropolis complete with Tesco extra, Carrefour and Liddle. The old towns till had character, it's just a matter of progressI suppose. 
As we headed for our camp site we came across Milly and Jezebel, so a convey was assumed. 
Nice site but campers and vans separated. Little wooden huts available and there was also the hotel. I dived for the shower on arrival and was caught out by the squat loo. I did find a sit down after by which time me and my shorts needed a clean. As I left the shower block  the rain had descended and came down with force. Thanks to the boys the tent was up as was gazebo with everyone huddled under until the rain ceased. Unfortunately it looked like it was in for the night. We all headed to the restaurant at the hotel and 20 or so of us took up a long table and exploited the cheap food and wine. Fillet steak £7 and champagne £6. Rude not to indulge, won't be able as soon as we are headed westwards! Good times with the Windy camping crew. We even had a birthday. It was Holly from Team Nightmare, cake and candles to celebrate. 

Tomorrow  we head off to ....................

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