Monday, 15 April 2013

Craig has worked his magic again, Olly is ready for our big day

Craig has been working on Olly over the weekend to get her ready for our wedding. Only 12 days to go, OMG less than 2 weeks! Craig says he has an addition to his wedding Usher outfit which will make him look the part while driving Olly on our wedding day, What could that be? I'll update you when I find out what he has and post a picture if it's not too rude.

The break pads have been changed so we're safe in an emergency stop For example groom runs in front of the car and shouts stop the weddings off! We have our new mascot which has been fitted to the bonnet which makes it look very regal and there is now a fixing for the wedding car ribbon. Craig has done a temporary fix on the near side rear tyre. Ideally some new tyres would be good but we will have to sort that out after the wedding as money is haemorrhaging from our bank at the moment. It's now under 2 months till The Windy 500 and I'm starting to think have we bitten off more than we can chew? Wedding and huge Rally across europe a few weeks apart. One without the other is a challenge. We are having a few days away after the wedding to relax together in The Lake District at The Old English Inn at Lake Windermere. We'll be staring out at the lake and dreaming of european adventures.

Craig is fantastic sorting out the car mechanics although he isn't a trained mechanic, I am sure that their are not many lads with these skills anymore as cars now are too technical. Craig said it helps with Olly as she is 24 years old, the same age as him. Olly is easier to work on Craig says as she has a simple engine and no computers. I think it also helps because Craig spent his early years in his Dads garage fixing his Banger racing car which he raced as soon as he was allowed to get behind the wheels at Standlake Banger Racing. Craig also loves motor sport so like us The Windy 500 was an opportunity we all couldn't miss.

Looking at this you can see what kept his attention in Motorsport even after his childhood Banger racing days ended.

Donation's to our chosen charities are coming in slowly. So please help us to donate as much as we can, we know times are tuff but a pound from everyone who reads our blog would be fantastic.

How about trying to guess which countries we'll be traveling to? If you are up for a challenge what order do you think we'll travel through them?


  1. Craig is a banger racer ? You never mentioned that. Remind me not to overtake when he is driving....

  2. Our secret weapon to avoid unnecessary hold ups , Craig will just bounce them out of the way. All though Olly may not like it!
