Saturday, 19 May 2012

Team Newlywed27 are mobile!

Well it's been a long time since we updated you. Lots has happened and it has all become very exciting today. Nothing much was happening on the wedding front until Christmas day when the sales started and I located some potential Bridesmaid dresses, It snow balled from there and 2 weeks later I had 6 Bridesmaid dresses, their shoes, my wedding dress and my shoes! It all feels more real now, we have started the hunt for a wedding photographer and the save the date cards and invites are getting made. The anniversary of our wedding date has come and gone (27.04.2012) and so the hunt for the car for our Windy 500 Honeymoon challenge has arrived. My criteria is ease of access in my wedding dress as we are using the car on our wedding day but Nik and Craig were more interested in economy, ease of maintenance and repair and likelihood we will last the Rally distance. We couldn't believe our luck, when last weekend we found something that ticked all our boxes. We have been looking at a few option's with the overriding criteria that it must have a wedding theme. We hoped for a Limo but didn't think we would find one that we could get in budget (£500). Nik spotted one and we raced to Dudley to see her. I fell in love at first sight and thanks to Niks amazing negotiation skills, Craig's mechanical checking and Mark, the nice man selling her we became the proud owners of a 23 year old stretch Vauxhall  Eagle Quest. Olly (due to her number plate) as we have called her is the newest family member to our Gem, Craig and Nik Windy 500 family. Here she is, top picture. I must admit though I was tempted by the Daimler Hearse. Mark, who we bought her from has done up the Scorpio above as an American cop car and is hiring her for prom's and parties. It gave us plenty of ideas! Anyone want a Limo trip for nights out or airport runs then let us know and we can come to a deal towards raising money for our charities ; Julia's House and The Air Ambulance. 


  1. Olly looks brilliant. Looks like you have found a bargain and lots of room for a cocktail bar as well.
    Jim from Team 6, married to Lucy Team 6 with Milly our VW T4.

  2. car looks great. Join the breakdown club. Looking forward to meeting you soon. Wedding plans sound exciting. I make wedding cakes if you need one.
    Lucy, married to Jim ,Team 6, widowed by Milly. mother of Spooky ( Steven)

  3. Hi Lucy and Jim, thanks for taking a look and saying Hi. So far Olly is looking great and the boys, have lots of plans. Jim, they are working on a cocktail bar, I think a campsite Mohito will be essential of an evening.
    Lucy, thanks for the wedding cake heads up, we are in discussions with our caterer at the mo but I may come back to you on that. I guess you'll be bringing cake to the New Forrest camp site then! I'll get to try some if you do. We should all do a BBQ and bring some things to pull resources. I see what Steve is thinking. Looking forward to meeting you at the camping weekend in August. We'll bring Olly!
