Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Officially now Team Newlywed

We are officially now Newlyweds and can now take up the team name for real. 

We married on the 27th of April in Adderbury Church and then made our way into Oxford for our reception. Craig was our Chauffeur and Olly as our chariot . Both performed their roles fantastically and scrubbed up well for the big event. Craig had his Chauffeur hat on and Olly had been buffed and polished by my little brother and was unrecognisable. Huge thank you to Barney Dobbs.

It was the Day of Dance in Adderbury village and we were danced out of the village after the wedding by one of the village Morris dance groups. It was so spontaneous and just perfect to show Olly off in all her glory. We had the rest of the guests traveling behind in the vintage Double decker bus. Nik's Dad loved this as he spent most of his working life on the Buses.

We had the most amazing day we could ever have dreamed and hoped for. We had planned our wedding for so long and I had driven Nik,our family, friends and all involved mad with lists and instructions. It all payed off. Nik pulled out all the stops and I was treated to surprise after surprise. I'm not sure if I trust him or our family and friends now as they all managed to keep such huge secrets from me! All of which were amazing so I'll have to forgive them all. As you may have realised our first love is Formula 1 and I always said to Nik I would rather an F1 helmet than a diamond well, turns out I got both..........................

Answers on a post card, who's helmet is this?

We even went for something different with our "cake". We had a chocolate Formula 1 sculpture of car parts.

We were also lucky enough to have some of the Windy 500 crew join us in the evening. Team 26, Lucy and James Howard came along in Milly. The 38 bus to Weymouth crew, Steve Blackmore and family came along in Jezebel to celebrate with us and Lucas didn't stop dancing from the minute the music started. We'll have to get the tunes pumping round the camp fires so he can show you all his moves.

One of the huge surprises was our band. Nik had said we couldn't have Candy Apple Blue which is a jaw dropping function band which has everyone up and dancing. Guess what he lied as did they and nearly all our guests! I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard Steven, the lead singers voice over the Mike coming from behind me. It was the icing on the cake of the most perfect of days. Our first dance would not have been the same without them.

Our First Dance - Nat King Col, Let there be love
Aaron Taylor, Best Man sings his song written about our Windy 500 Honeymoon

One of our best men and very great friend, Aaron Taylor wrote 2 songs for us one of which he played in the church and another which was all about our Honeymoon and he played it at our evening reception. I'll get him to post the words onto the blog for you all to read. If I can work out how to do it I'll put a link on to the song so you can hear it!

We had a mini Honeymoon in The Lake District at Bowness and this involved no driving and a long train journey but this was a break for Nik as he drives for a living. He'll make up for 4 days of not driving in the 23 days of driving ahead of us in less than 3 weeks time!

On our honeymoon in Bowness at Portoe restuarant

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