Setting off up the Trans with the Extra fan on and eyes on the temperature gauge and elevation. Starting elevation was 1822 above sea level. It was a very steep drive under the cover of the mountain trees and I was thinking where are the open winding turns between the two mountains "Top Gear" style. We're we in the right place? Had I been lied to. Had we traveled all these miles for a steep mountain climb with no epic views??????????
The we rounded an apex and there she was. The car went silent, jaws dropped and before us rolled out Tarmac stretching up to the sky weaving in tight turns, more than any on a Grand Prix circuit that I've seen. Clarkson said this was the best road he had driven. We were on it in Olly. Come on girl get us to the top. Nik was behind the wheel at this point Craig's eyes wide and desperate to get his hands on the steering wheel. I knew today would be epic and I would loose the boys to the road. I wasn't wrong.
The Turns and inclines were harsh on Olly but Nik nursed her round. All realising that at this point Olly was maybe not the best car of choice. Craig wanting to rag his ST round the tight turns and Nik lusting after the Lotus. Me happy to reach the top, body shaking and glad to be standing. Thinking back, how was Anna going to so this on a push bike?
We all pulled into a lay by two thirds up to check out the views. Cameras clicking, excited chatter and feeling and looking like we really where on the top of the world. I have decided mountains are my thing. I might have to try snow boarding, if you have met me you'll know how funny the idea of that is!
Out came our Build a Bear mascots to have their pictures too. Mark came down to see us up to a better view point, could there be one? It just gets better. Getting Olly on was a mission with a huge tickle to her under belly. My legs were shaking, my knuckles white and stomach lurching but I couldn't not look. I'm not looking to good in the pictures.
We had previously decided we would try some "wild" camping and look for a mountain side spot to pitch our tents. Mark and Richard had spotted one so we headed to it to see if we could get Olly off the road and over the rocks etc with Belly intact. Craig and I walked her in after scouting out a possible spot. Tent up, Craig beetling Nik's erection time of 51 sec with a amazing 31 sec's. gazebo up and time for lunch. What better location with stunning views but back enough from the edge for me to relax. I chilled away from the edge while the boys to Olly back out on to the Trans, Craig behind the wheel this time. I didn't fancy loosing my lunch as my stomach lurched at every turn. Once on their way I thought, should have kept the passports with me in case they don't return.
Others joined us at camp and there was still no sight of the boys, should I get worried? They turned up eventually with huge grins. This was worth all the driving time and hours just to get to this point. However, they did report back that the brakes were not man enough for the job and break fade was an issue going down. Knowing we had gone up we must go down tomorrow over the other side of the mountain!
Camp was at 6,600 feet. 4,778 higher than our starting point. Wild camping was just the best camping night I have ever experienced. This is how it should be. No toilets, showers, bar, restaurant or wifi. But strangely the best mobile phone signal while sitting on top of the world. It was BBQ time with the boys from some of the teams collecting fire wood. Team nightmare had an axe of all things. Imagine getting searched at the boarder with one of those. Steve set about sawing, lets just say it wasn't a quick job and everyone in camp sat about laughing. More beer needed. The Swedes set off to find Anna who returned looking triumphant but exhausted. A mountain stream was was needed.
The fire was awesome, thanks to Steve's chopping efforts and some skilled fire building. We hadn't had much luck with Polish BBQ coals and those left from all the BBQ's also went on. The temperature was dropping and black clouds were rolling on. Lightening could be seen way in the distance. You could see the lightening bolt hit the ground below. Then ....we were suddenly engulfed in a cloud. I have never sat in a camping chair in a cloud before and doubt I will again. It was like a damp smog where you struggled to see 12 feet in front of you. Hole Windy teams disappeared.. Worrying really seeing as we were on top of a mountain ledge. Then came the rain, full on torrential dumping right on top of us. The camp sight was desimated with everyone grabbing their belongings and throwing them into their vehicles and diving into tents. No time for a quick loo stop, brush of teeth or change of clothes. We buttoned down the hatches while the rain kept coming, then huge bolts of thunder and lightening. It was on us, we were in it! The lightening lit up the whites of our eyes as we went from pitch black to day light, it seemed. Craig was checking the seems of the tent for potential leaks. It's only single skin after all. We held onto each other not sure if we would be washed off the mountain or hit by a bolt of lightening. It seemed to pass and then star all over again. Finally it mellowed and then the voice in the darkness said is everyone still alive?
Tomorrow we're headed to .............
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