Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Interior modifications

We're now almost packed and starting to feel that the Windy 500 has actually started. It's time now to reveal Ollys interior modification's. As we are co-owners of Lets Go Disco along with Barry Newbury there was no other way to go than......................

LED lighting, glitter ball, interior sound system, 15" TV with  DVD player and..........................

Fully operational cocktail bar of course!

Complete of course with Optics, a cocktail menu, flashing mixer, umbrella's, morello cherries and lemon slices. You can even slam a shot if thats you're bag. We have Cocktail to get us in the mood on the DVD if it's raining and sitting in Olly is the preferred option.

We're planning to rock up to a campsite and share a cocktail in a very civilised manner with our fellow Windy travellers, if we can raise a bit more for our charities along the way our bar may be more help than we first thought. Maybe a cocktail or two can be swapped for much needed services from other Windy goers with talents much needed. A meal from Lucy for starts!

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