Sunday, 23 June 2013

Newlywed camping delights

Camp Newlywed

Not sure if I have explained camp Newlywed yet so I'll give you a snapshot of life on the road with us. In general Nik & Craig swap about between being driver and co-pilot. I usually am camped out in the rear. My job is taking pictures as we trundle along, I think I am getting the hang out of leaning out of the window clicking away to see if I have caught anything of interest. Lots of curbs, roads and shrub's but with the occasional half decent shot. There is a lot of miles to cover so stopping to take lots of pictures would mean we would take 2 months not 3 weeks judging by the volume of clicks my camera is taking. I do get the occasional sit up in the front but seeing as my other past time is sleeping the back seat is better for  me!

Everything In the car has it's place down to the packets of cereal stuffed behind the car seats, it's a lucky dip in the morning based on what Craig pulls out. Between us we have worked out over the last week what we need, where and Craig is the master of packing. We have the essentials for road side Sarnie making to hand on the other half of the rear seat and the washing up bowel is filled with the essential items. The cool box,not small and needs regular feeding of ice daily is safely stashed under the mini bar. Easy to roll out kerb side, continent style. Well thought out by my husband and Aaron Taylor. The chosen packing combination is currently favouring the solid items like chairs, cooker, BBQ, gazebo and lots of Craig's tools in the boot with cans of beer stuffed in various places. The much used started pack lives there too and charges from a source cleverly rigged up by........... ... Craig of course! The rear of the car has the "soft" items. Clothes, sleeping bags, pillows and most importantly our tent. And of course me. Craig has given me a little section with a hanging carrier bag stash, lip balm, glasses, tissues, pen, pain killers and wet wipes. No lip gloss though that was abandoned somewhere between Amsterdam and Germany.

Our Newly wed mascots take pride of place on the bar. When I can get to be able to load some pictures I'll introduce them to you. They are Build a Bears - bride and groom. Nik's sister,Partner and our Niece gave them to us the night of our wedding rehearsal. I suspect Florence had a lot to do with this. The groom snores and Bride says "I love you", they got it just right. Talking of which, Camp Windy have also met Pumba the loudest snorer on camp. Tents do leave space between their tent and ours!

We have realised that our map is not detailed enough as have many teams so that map get's pasted between the 3 of us trying to pin point where we are. Sally Satnav is earning her keep and the additional one we had to buy to replace the one that broke was essential.  We're still using the old one as she gives us the elevation reading and seeing as there is some epic hill climbing going on that's essential! Nik and Craig really are putting in the hard work to get the miles done and for Nik who drives for a living he is finding it more gruelling than expected. It's different driving Olly on unfamiliar roads in bad road conditions where the driving rules are at times non existent and near collision is avoidance is at every turn. Road warning signs, if present don't warn in sufficient time and drivers in Hungary and Romania seem to pull out to dart round you unsure of what is oncoming. When they need to pull in it's almost on you're bumper.

Heading over the river Danube from Romania into Bulgaria to our destination of Rouse

So camp Newlywed set up starts with Nik a suggested list of accommodation from Steve the previous evening when he reveals tomorrow's destination. All teams receive a print out of destination, useful facts, distance, places of interest, suggested accommodation option's, currency, legal road requirements and a google map of the local area. The accommodation options are hotel, B&B and camp sites. Steve always says where he is anticipating to stay and so far all Winder campers are heading for the same site for post drive debrief and beers. This is a great part of the Windy fun and we are continually having new teams and team members come and go. We're now at the point where we are getting to know them members names rather than refer to them as Team .......... Also those of us who have named our vehicles refer to those too.

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