Monday, 8 July 2013

Romance at last

Day 17

Slovenia to Italy, lake Isao via Venice

When Steve announced that today allowed time for a diversion into Venice our jaws dropped. We hadn't expected this or even considered it. Of course there was no doubt in our minds that a few hours in Venice was a must. We had chosen an odd honeymoon with little of the usual honeymoon romance so Steve had given us the perfect destination to rectify things in the most romantic of cities. 

We had a stow away with us and had traded our tent and kitchen kit for one of team Trigger (Tash). Neither Nik, I, Craig or Tash had been to Venice. Sam and Robin, Tash's parents and owners of Trigger had been to Venice before so a plan had been hatched the evening before for Tash to become an honorary member of Team Newlywed. While Sam and Robin headed up to the lakes.

The top tip was to park at the airport and jump on a water bus. €28 for an open return, can't be bad. Nothing like a bus back home. Nice wooden cabin with comfy seats and all to ourselves. The "bus" lane was busy. Boats shuttling backwards and forwards of all sorts with some nice speed boats tearing through the water. It was a great way to see Venice as we approached. We were all armed with cameras taking pictures as we headed along the main canal as  Katy, Nik's sis and our personal travel advisor had suggested. The architecture was beautiful and had a feel of real history and although many tourists flock to Venice  the impact seemed to almost blend in. The old sat snugly alongside the new. I loved the shapes and lines of the windows. The buildings differed in colour and from the canal you could see branches off under low bridges to narrow waterways between the tall buildings. Water buses, water taxis, speed boats and Gondolas wound past each other along the main canal. We jumped off at the bus stop at the Rialto bridge which was lined with hoards of tourists. Along the canal were cafe's and pizzerias with people sat waterside enjoying the whole Venice experience. Both Katy and Lucy had given us suggestions of where to head to get a feel for Venice in the limited time we had. Saint Marks square was a must. Kate had said that we would need a mortgage to have lunch anywhere surrounding Saint Marks square so we knew to look else where. It didn't take long in our meandering to have our first Gelato. We were not disappointed, they were gorgeous. We all swapped flavours and none were a disappointment. 

It was strange in the sense that there were many tourists and there was almost a feeling of being in an interactive "museum" but with real life intertwined amongst it. There were shops selling masks and Gondolas alongside hard wear shops. Tourists with their cameras clicking amongst business men in suits. Saint Marks square wasn't as busy as I had expected and was a large open space compared to the narrow lanes over shadowed by the tall buildings. We could see day light. Lots of pictures were taken but some of the beautiful architecture was masked by subtle swathes of hanging advertisements to cover some restoration work. We headed off to find some lunch, wanting to of course taste the Italian pizza from Venice. 

We had spotted some reasonable priced places and hunted for one off the main drag where we could eat without people shuttling past. We found a lovely place and considering where we were €60 between 4 was not bad including wine and beer. Just past the restaurant we stood and watched the coming and going of the Gondolas,exactly as you would expect them to be. A Gondola trip for 30 mins was €30 but we decided to save this for another time when we were not rushing about as much. There was still some time to sneak in a little shopping and one more Gelato before we left, 4 new flavours to try between us. that's 8 Gelato flavours in 3 hours, not bad going! 
We took the river bus back and found the cost of our parking only to be €9. All in all not as expensive as we thought today might be especially as we were in Venice although the €1.50 to use the wc nearly broke the bank.

We camped on lake Iseo in the same area as the more famous Lake Garda and Lake Como. The sight was compact and not all the teams had managed to get a space but Team trigger had pitched our tent. We ran into the lake for a late swim and we were not sure this was a good move as it was not so warm!

On our adventure the opportunity to visit one of the most romantic cities reminded us that  this was in fact our honeymoon. We made a great choice choosing the Windy 500 over 2 weeks sat on a beach. Camping on a mountain in the eye of a storm, photographing an stunningly beautiful national park, visiting an evocative example of our history and visiting the most romantic of cities and there are still 6 more days to go!

Tomorrow we head to.......................

An photographers dream morning

Day 16

Croatia - Plitvice to Slovenia - Predjama

Our morning was spent walking around the Plitvice National Park. Stunning. As we walked in the view and the thunderous noise of water was jaw dropping. Luckily we had left early, for once. We're usually last to leave camp but not I may add always the last to arrive. The bus loads of tourists had not arrived yet so we had unspoilt views of what lay in front of us. Standing high up looking down were striking aqua pools of water with wooden walk ways between them. Scattered around were different shapes and sizes of waterfalls from small trickling falls to huge cascading waterfalls. For me this was a photographic dream. For the boys they knew this would then mean lots of hanging about while I composed my shots.

We followed the path down and across the lake, with the depth of the water changing so did the depth of the aqua tone. We headed to the foot of the huge waterfall and the noise was deafening. The force of the water was 

We enjoyed a boat across a lake time to reflect on the beauty before jumping back in the car. 

We arrived late at the campsite because of our "tourist stop" . We haven't done much of this so it was refreshing to stop and be a tourist for once.  Tim-Tom Satnav got us to our camp site but at the locked rear gate down a very narrow track. Once again we trusted Tim - Tom, we were there but just not at the point of entry. Lots of rain and the camping plots were on hard ground. Mission replacement airbed had failed once again so being a caring and loving wife I gave up my air bed for Nik. My ulterior motive was to sleep in the back Olly, where It would be warmer than it was last night and much dryer. Result it worked + brownie points added!

Where to tomorrow...................... 

Camping in the National Park

Day 15

Debvrovnik, Croatia to Croatia via Bosnia

From the southerly point of Croatia to the northern National park which necessitated a pop into Bosnia! The map wasn't clear but as it turned out Bosnia has a tiny bit of the coast line on the Adriatic so we nipped through to head north within Croatia. A subtle change in the architecture of Croatia which appeared less shabby in comparison to Bosnia which looked tired and in need of some TLC. I suppose that's to be expected in light of their recent history. 

A fair days drive which took us up into the National park Plitvicka Jezera. The aqua lagoons and jaw dropping waterfalls where waiting for us. We arrived late afternoon and decided to chill out with a BBQ at camp. Not everyone had made it with some teams choosing a coastal campsite. We were joined by Trigger and the "Manns", Team Kia, Ralf and Deno, The Swed's , Team Milly, Lucy and James and the Mowlems Chris and Steve. Mowlem Mob had visited the Plitvice falls and after seeing their pictures and hearing how amazing their experience had been our minds were made up. We were going tomorrow. All but Team Kia couldn't resist either. Sadly Deno has developed gout so walking for a couple of hours was not going to be an option. 

Being in the hills in a lush green National Park meant a very cold night. I struggled to sleep and just couldn't get warm and stay warm even with socks, trousers, hoodie and additional blanket. We still hadn't found a replacement air bed for Nik so thanks to Lucy and James he borrowed their foam seat's from their van again.

A chilled night with Tash and I sampling local Peach snaps and after James had been on a hunt team Milly enjoyed a Cherry Brandy or 2. The boys all enjoying their new found beer from what typically looks like a coke bottle. The Swed's were having exhaust problems and spent most of the evening with their car jacked up and supported by a bench made out of logs! Craig was more than a little concerned. Ralf had found himself an ice cream which just had to be bought. I know it's the small things but by being called "Bum" the ice cream gave us all a good laugh.

Tomorrow we're on to................

Stunning scenery, Epic even!

Day 14

Albania to Dubrovnik in Croatia via Montenegro

On route out of Albania the randomness continued, baby cow spotted in the back of a hatchback car!!!

€15 for insurance to skim through Montenegro but we soon realised it was money well spent. Initially I was reminded of Turkey but soon the landscape changed and became greener with large mountains and winding roads. We headed through and over the mountains. Crossing a large lake along a road with water either side, stunning( a word I will use a lot in today's blog. We were heading for the southern tip of Croatia and there was an option to dip into Montenegro via a motor way route. We all agreed that although longer we would take the coastal road. The right decision! 

The view that greeted us as we came over the brow of the winding road was EPIC, stunning, awesome and unbelievable. We felt privileged to be able to drive along this coastal route.  Nik wove round twists and bends hugging the rock while the coves lay out before us. I could have jumped out the car at every turn to take pictures but we had to press on to make it to camp before dark. We had had a late start after chatting with Joseph at our campsite in Albania. Camera in hand I tried to capture some of the views but from a moving car they will not be great. The pictures in my mind will have to suffice. 

The sea was crystal blue with the sun shimmering on the water and bouncing off the cliff's descending into the sea. Along the shore line and stretching up into the cliff's were clusters of houses. Some looked as they had stood the test of time and nestled there over the years. Some looked much newer and had sprung up to meet the demands of the tourist's coming to explore the stunning vista. A friend is heading to Montenegro a week today and she will not be disappointed by what she finds. We even came across a Vineyard, she'll like that! We decided that our journey along the coast line had given us a taste of somewhere we would like to return to. Another to add to the growing bucket list! 

I suppose that part of what our journey has given us is the opportunity to explore places we would not normally consider for an annual 2 week holiday. Although it's a whistle stop tour there are some definite's so far and some others that I am glad to have experienced but I'm not in a rush to return to. Swapping stories at camp in the evenings as we compare each others experience's is interesting as we get to see what impact a place had had on each of us.  Some have really challenged the stereotypes we had formed before we arrived in the area. Some lived up to these and some completely blew these out of the water. Albania was one. If anything, experience it for yourself before making a judgement you might be surprised by what you find. 

We crossed the border from Montenegro into Croatia at which point we were unsure on the position with our car insurance and comes to think of it now our travel insurance. Nik phoned the car Insurance company who were also uncertain. Croatia is currently a non EU country but from Monday it joins the EU. Our travel insurance is an annual European cover so we are presuming that Croatia is covered as it doesn't distinguish between EU and non EU. So we press on as there is nowhere obvious to buy insurance cover as there has been at other non EU borders. Thus far we have had to produce car registration documents and insurance bought in the registered keepers name. Craig hasn't been able to drive. At the border on leaving the non EU country we have had to show our insurance or face paying a fine. Steve had said there would be some non EU countries on route and it all adds to the experience but check your documents to bring in you decide to drive in non EU countries. 

We continued along the Croatian coastline, Nik tired by now. It was looking like a 7 hour driving day. Made challenging because of the winding roads and the need to nurse the breaks. However, it was well worth it because it definitely wasn't a monotonous drive along a bland motorway. We drove along towards Dubrovnik which lay out before us as a cluster of peach coloured buildings with the original old town encased in the city walls.  It was nestled within an outcrop of land surrounded on three sides by the sea but tethered to the mainland. The new buildings were in keeping with the old town and from the road above it looked stunning. We would have liked to have descended to explore but the streets didn't look Olly friendly. Not a place to explore with a 23 year old Limousine. Another one to add to the bucket list, although some who had walked within the city walls said it had been spoilt by tourism and was busy and commercialised. I suppose that that's the price paid when somewhere of beauty and historical significance is exploited but on the other hand with it comes a boost to the economy to keep such areas alive. 

Our camp site was nestled in the hill side of the cliff's along the shore line 20 minutes north of Dubrovnik. Due to it's location it was built in grassed areas stepping up the hill side. The Mowlems warned us that the incline and turns where steep and we would have trouble getting Olly up there. Camp was made lining the road entering the site, almost like a welcome party! We had found a nice supermarket along the way so a great BBQ dinner was enjoyed, cooked by Craig. He was craving a meaty beef burger and we found some.

 They were tasty and fuelled our empty stomach's, once again we had forgotten to stop for lunch. The Albanian twist on a cooked breakfast had set the boys up for the days long drive.

Tomorrow we're off to .... ........

A destination which truly surprised and taught us not to judge somewhere without experiencing it


Macedonia  to  Barbullush in Albania - non EU

Awoke to rain and a chill in the air, welcomed after some of the recent hot and humid countries. Felt like a British summer morning! Nik and I swiftly decided to head back to the comfort of the tent. We had agreed last night to meet at the border with others approx 10.30 ish. We slept in till 9 and woke to the banging on the tent, Mark wanted his ham stored in our cool box overnight. What I hadn't expected was the quiet and un assuming Richard, grabbing some ice leaning into the tent and shove it down my back. That was a wake up call. Right game on Richard, sleep with one eye open!

A couple of local Albanians at the border were really intrested in our vehicles and came over to have a good luck at us all. They were keen to know what we were doing but our Albanian was not up to much and their English was limited to identifying our country and asking if we all came from London. So frustrating,as they were so interested. 

A Hidden gem of stunning scenery as you came over the crest of the hill from the border crossing point. Gun turrets, which were designed to resist the strongest of artilary fire. The designer was so confident in his design that he apparantly sat in there under fire from a tank and survived, so The Lonely  Planet guide says. Laying before us was organised and cultivated agricultural land nestled between villages. Who would have thought it, we certainly didn't expect it and were more than a little uncertain in today's choice of country and destination. We had even considered missing it out. Because of the state of Olly and the fear of breaking down with no recovery as Albania is a non EU country and thus not covered by our insurance policy. Once again we purchased insurance at the border at €30, cheaper than Macedonia. 

Lots of new building going on and the properties were beautiful and well looked after. People clearly took pride in where they lived. There was a Mediterranean feel. The common car was the Mercedes and so far the roads were good, just what Olly needed.  The Mercedes was apparently so common as their was an influz of smugled in vehicles and part at a point in political unrest. Winding mountain roads initially all going down, at some point we must go up! We journey in convoy but team Lotus who were driving behind us pulled out and opened up their engine. Much to Nik's admiration, he would have loved to have been driving the Lotus ( Nik's dream car). 

We soon headed in different directions after unsuccessfully trying to get to the beach to have some lunch. 5 Windy vehicles trying to navigate down small chaotic side streets just wasn't working and after causing a traffic jam we accepted defeat. We did see the Albania equivalent of Weymouth though. Off to find the campsite then.

Not so easy we found. We made our way along some very bumpy tracks which were not Olly friendly and came across The Morris Minor boys, Harvey and Martin. A local lady pointed us in the direction of the camp site so we continued. What we didn't know was that this led us to a dirt track barely wide enough for a car and with no turning space. The pot holes were worse than any we had experienced, small children could disappear in them. Followed by the Morris Minor we pushed on. Craig's heart was in his mouth at every bump and lump. Despair set in, where was this camp site ? We heard shouting a Craig said the locals are coming for us. They were coming to help. Lots of frustrated Albanian and English conversation with neither parties understanding each other.  The Mowlams had tackled the track from the other end and we were now nose to nose. The solution had to be turn around however, at  this point how we would actually achieve this was the question on everyone's lips.

 Dorris started first, inching around slowly. Harvey behind the steering wheel with an anxious face and Martin trying to shout directions. By this point it had become hilariously funny for me, like the Clarkson moment in Italy when he had to take a Ferrari down a narrow Italian side street and turn it round. If Top Gear had this on camera we would  beat his on difficulty and hilarity hands down.  I stayed with The Morris Minor boys and Steve set off reversing so they could find a place where they could turn Olly. I didn't see this but on all accounts it was on the edge of us loosing Olly off the side of a small bridge leading into the rear of someone's property. I was in need of a loo stop and debated how to go especially knowing the bumpy roads we were returning to. I thought it may be a step too far to ask the family to use their toilet but decided to give it ago. After gesticulating, the mother took me to the family home. The grandmother leapt up to kiss and cuddle me and squeezed me to the point where I couldn't breath. The mother and grandmother were keen to marry me off with their son, I don't think they understood that I was on my Honeymoon.  The family were so friendly and couldn't have done more for us. We did get back on the "road" having kidnaped their son who squeezed in the back of the limo with us sat on my lap. 

We got back to the junction we had turned off from and bottomed Olly out in a major way. Worse than all previously traveled road's, I spoke too soon earlier. We see soared and the belly of Olly took a hammering. Craig was out trying to negotiate Nik off the mound. Bearing in mind Craig had already worked on the rear diff and exhaust. A friendly local fella came along on his moped and wanted to use his best English and have a chat. Not great timing as the boys just were not in the mood especially as he was telling us to keep going.  Not sure what state the belly of Olly was in the boys decided not to look and pressed on. The Mowlams and Dorris carried on with the local lad now in one of their cars, the Mowlams we assumed as there would be no room in Dorris. We waved good bye and suddenly felt very alone with no idea of where to go next. A hotel may have to be the option!

Steve and team Jezebel were some where on a mountain track only suitable for 4 x 4, so not a rattley old camper van held together by gaffer tape and cable ties. It was good to know it wasn't just us. Steve had decided that Eileen and his Satnav where not the best combination in Albania. A compass may have been better.

We decided to head on to another camp site after a text from Steve to say where he was now heading for. With no directions and Satnav to guide us Ralf had said to head through the Shkodra and out to the lake. We drove round and round through Shkoder and suddenly came across Team 46 with Trigger and they had directions on the Satnav. We traveled to a real gem. The camp site -Shkodra Resort, what a surprise. 

Set by a lake and owned by an Albanian & English husband and with and run with their family. On arrival we were greeted by a couple of English people Fay and Joseph. They had a guy from Northampton Joseph who was working for board and lodgings over the summer. He filled us in on the set up, what he knew about Albania and his experiences so far.He lucked out on a beautiful lake side location with a lovely family for a 3 month summer working holiday.  

We were so glad that we dismissed the idea of a Hotel, pushed on to find a campsite and ran into Trigger. We had lucked out too. Fantastic Meze dinner watching the sun set over the mountains with a beer and listening to the sounds of the frogs ( they were loud). This was bliss We're glad we're getting to explore the Baltics, we probably wouldn't have come here before now. Apparently Albania is the most economically sound Baltic country, fact for the day (according to Joseph). We all agreed without doubt this up there with the Transfagarasan day as one of the best days. This is what an un planned exploration in a 23 year old Limo was all about and we were living the dream!  A truly un expected delight, really welcoming and friendly people who are proud of their country , stunning landscape and a real adventure for us. We left with plans to return and spend more time exploring, we can get at flight for approx £280!!!! 

Tomorrow we're off to...............

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Non EU country today

Day 12

Mount Olympus, Greece to Lake Ohrid, Macedonia

Today's journey didn't take long and I was keen to stay where we were and have a morning swim but the see was choppy and I thought better of it. The boys were not keen to come either. Richard had been for his swim ( I have since found out he was a triathlete)  and swims daily at Weymouth. 

Today's destination was very much an unknown destination so Nik didn't want to delay our departure by too much and some teams were trying to meet at the border. The border was soon upon us and we managed to arrive with Team Trauma and Team Nightmare. The Lexus boys were also there. As this was a non Eu country our insurance didn't cover us so we had to buy it at the border €50, steep for a 1 night stop over. 

Not dissimilar in many ways to Romania and Bulgaria in the feel and look of the country. Alongside falling down properties on their last legs were newer properties which looked abandoned mid way  through their build. There were of course completed new builds all of. A similar boxy looking style, lacking character I felt. 

We were headed for a camp site on the edge of lake Ohrid. As we arrived towards the local area Trauma and Nightmare pulled off in preferences for a hotel stay as apposed to camping. On a budget camping was going to be our accommodation for this evening. What would Macedonian camping be like???????  

Our Satnav struggled to find our camp site, hotel Drim & camping was lake side. However Hotel and campsite were an hours walk apart so once with Deno and Ralf in their Kia we wound round the streets trying to keep lake side to find it. Eventually we did. The welcome sign said "No smoking" followed by a sight with a gun and a cross,we assumed me and no guns! The site looks like it has a wire fence. Not sure if that's to keep people in or us out. We were told to leave our passports and come back in 1 hour, time to forge new ones maybe! €9 though so we thought we would give it a go. Safety in numbers because some others were already there. We had hot water at designated times and were surrounded by very old style 70's caravans with mettle grills on the windows. It says a lot when caravans past their sell buy date are so heavily secured.The lake looked calm and I did dip my toes, wee more than I planned as my flip flop floated out across the lake. Luckily I caught it just before I was thigh deep. Richard was already doing his lengths and said it was cold but bearable once you got going. I thought about it but favoured playing with my camera instead. 

Lake Ohrid is 34km long and 300 metres deep, it's Macedonia's most popular destination and was full in the busy end of the town with children swimming and families soaking up the sun. Like Weymouth in Macedonia! We ventured into town in search of supplies and a replacement mug for Martin ( Dolly the Morris Minor co pilot). Martin had used his for a fuel vessel for Dolly so advisable not having his cuppa from it. 

The Son of Habatchi made an appearance for a BBQ and Richard and Mark joined us with their BBQ food. Time for a chilled evening swapping stories around the Mosie coils!!!! We were joined by Martin and Harvey from Dorris, Robin and his wife from Trigger along with their daughter and relative newbie Tash, Steve and Chris from The Mowlam Mob and Jonas from team Swede. We were reassured that we were in a safe campsite when the night security gaurd came and advised us through gesticulation that we should make sure all our possessions were packed away. The many campsite dogs  kept him alert of unwanted visitors by barking. We managed to finish off the Jack Daniels and Archers with a little help from friends and will now have to find some dodgy foreign fire water, not a problem where we're going......

Tomorrow we're off to...................

Sand castles any one?

Day 11

Banksy, Bulgaria to the sea shore below Mount Olympus, Greece

Yesterday Craig had noticed Oil dripping from the Diff????  So after a lovely breakfast he pulled on his overalls and complete with saddles he headed under Olly to check her belly. If it's not the bonnet he is under the next place to look for Craig is under the car! He also found the exhaust had problems too. This is all not surprising considering the state of some of the roads in the last few countries, we're also very low to the ground! After full consultation with the bible, in our case the Haynes manual and text advice from home the decision was to get hold of some Diff oil and see if topping up caused more leaking after a tweak from Craig. Craig secured the exhaust with his coat hanger, whose purpose on our adventurer campsite and  I now understand. Back in shorts and T-shirt we headed down the mountain.  Once again lovely mountain scenery with snow caped peaks and dark sheer drops encased in alpine Forrest.


The drive to Greece was not particularly interesting but on arrival Steve had really pulled this one out of the bag. Really lovely campsite with great facilities but most importantly steps leading straight down and into the sea. Sun loungers, no sand which I think is the best and beer brought to you so you don't have to move. First thing was to dive in. As it was shingle it's not great under foot but there were smooth steps out into the. Water to a point where you can swim from. How civilised! The water was warm, crystal clear and mainly occupied the Windy crew's. Chilled music played by the sea view bar above us, what more could we need after days on the road. To to pit off Steve had said that for the next few days we would only have 180 ish miles per day, time for the boys to chill.


Our evening was spent in the restaurant over looking the see trying the local delights. Baked Octopus was not quite the calamari Nik had hoped for but we all had a taste, lets just say we won't be ordering that again.

 We sat and chatted with Mark and Richard from team 19 with the Proton. Richard is a keen Photographer and had shot a lot of footage from our Transfagarasan run's and had some amazing shots from the lightening storms. I was keen to learn from Richard and had earlier picked his brain while sat by the see. This time armed with my camera I had some hands on opportunity to learn. I was really pleased with the results. Nothing like Richards but a good start working with the available light. We talked kit and some investment in lens and filters is the next step in kit and getting to grips with the effects of depth of field and exposure is now my mission. I'll have to have some more Richard lessons, with 11 days left that should be a good masterclass! Judging by his website -  Richard Anders Photography I could learn a lot. Go Check  out his work and blog, it's a must. 

Not much to report today

Day 10

Banksy, Bulgaria to a ski resort

Not a very eventful day. The journey out of town was interesting. Satnav didn't seem to have any idea where we were so we followed our noses till Sally Satnav found us. The initial journey was reminiscent of home with the Green hedges and golden yellow from the Rape however on closer inspection the yellow was fields of sunflowers. There was of course the Prostitutes road side, at 10 a.m! The scenery morphed into mountains and a steady incline where we came across Team Trauma and followed the rear of their Ambulance. But not before we may have needed their services. I was busy calculating our hours traveled and miles when Craig shouted put your seat belt on. Craig doesn't normally shout. Apparently we had had a very close shave. Olly vs huge lorry. It was on our side of the road hurtling down the mountain. Nik who was driving couldn't go any where as we were mountain side. It missed us by millimetres Craig said and the boys were both visibly shaken. 

Back in the mountains again, the terrain I have found a new love for was lovely. We headed for the ski town of Banksy. I was expecting nice ski chalets which were really picturesque. Far from it. We couldn't locate our apartment and a very nice Bulgarian lady came to our aid noticing our car was not Bulgarian. I'm sure she noticed more than that!

We finally found it and it looked closed. Nik headed towards a large wooden door and found out I was the correct one and they had our booking for a 2 bed apartment. Trigger crew arrived just behind us as Craig was very carefully negotiating bringing Olly into the underground car park. The apartment was lovely with really sunny balcony so I set about washing clothes, again!

We met up with a few others to have a couple of beers in the sun. Craig had a dip in the pool and then we took advantage of having a kitchen and cooked dinner. Chilled night I. And Nik exhausted so off to bed we made him go. 

Tomorrow we're off to .............,

Now time to get down the mountain

Day 9

 Tansfagarason Highway, Romania to Russo in Bulgaria

Everyone awoke and checked around to see that they and their belongings were intact. All ok for us, thankfully. We had finally drifted off to sleep as the storm passed. I went around then campers to see how everyone had faired and some had abandoned tents to sleep in their vehicles. Team Trauma had 4 of their crew sleeping in various positions in their Ambulance. I may not have mentioned them before. They arrived to meet us all in Hungary as were not able to set off until Wednesday. They had the Ambulance donated to them! 

In general Camp Windy survived well, some did find themselves floating on water but as we said it's all part of the "wild camping" experience. We would love to wild camp again if there is an opportunity at the remaining travel destinations along our journey. As usual though Steve isn't giving much away.

Going down the other side of the mountain was stunning too but in a different way. Still winding and steep but greener with waterfalls. Several tunnels to navigate and Nik has developed an urge to turn on the blue LED lights and siren. At least people should see and hear us. The mountain was steep and Olly's breaks are not great so brake fade set in fairly quickly. A wait in a lay by to cool down the breaks was just search of Bulgarianmmwhat Olly needed. This also gave me opportunities to take pictures.

We came across the amazing feet of engineering which was a gigantic dam, we couldn't find a parking spot for Olly. She doesn't slide gracefully into tight spaces. There were lots of people with cameras and We have some pic's. someone said it made their head spin just looking down at the sheer drop. In the uk there would be barriers and you would have to pay to take a look.  

We headed for The Bulgarian boarder, over the river Danube. It's not at all blue by the way. Our first impressions of Bulgaria from the journey from border to Hotel approx 25 mins, was that this looked like an Easter block country. More Of what we had estimated to have been in previous places visited. Many teams headed out into the town in search of a restaurant, returning much latter with sore heads but having danced along with the locals to some Bulgarian music. We took advantage of a nice meal in our hotel food. Kate had booked us in somewhere earlier Hotel Anna. Very friendly staff and our waiter couldn't couldn't do enough for us. 

Tomorrow we're headed to .............

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

We're here at last to realise a dream come true

Day 9 Tansfagarason Highway, Romania

There was a real buzz around the camp site today. Vehicles were being given that extra bit of attention as today was the day we had all looked forward to and talked about for months. Harvey was busy reciting the fuel pump from the front to rear of Dorris the Morris Minor. A drill was needed and Martin was banging on the tent to see if Craig had one. he didn't but Robin in Trigger did so mission accomplished along with wooden props to raise bonnet to cool engine down. Fair play to Harvey and Martin, Dorris needed some extra care and attention but got the loudest cheer when she arrived at our destination's. as with us cooling the engine was a problem on hill climbs and Craig had fitted an extra fan to ours. All essential modifications for today we took on the challenge of the "Top Gear" famed Transfagarasan Highway.  Only we don't have super cars ours were much loved crumbly old girls and boys. A 23 year old Limo, try that one Clarkson!!!!!!!

Some teams were keen to get going, Team Lotus and Chameleon had couldn't get there quick enough. Team Chameleon loaded with Go pro dash mount and a tank full of fuel reported back. Marks dreams had come true, it really was EPIC! I don't know how many trips up and down they did but between swaps both Mark and Richard must have maxed out their engine.

Our trip to base of the Trans was interesting, whiteness to both Romanian wedding and funeral. A convoy with the Mobster Mowlems and Jezebel led us through a small Romanian village with deep pot hole covered roads and locals who looked on surprised to see us.  We must have been the talk of the village, I can't imagine they see much of this action. Several U turns and shrugging of shoulders we found a lay by to pull into to collect some others to join the convoy. Team Nightmare and Team 46, The Swede's also hooked up. Anna however, decided the car wasn't good enough so set off on her bike! Yes, we were all in ore. She is training for a bike ride from Sweden to Paris in July but I'm not sure if she'll have mountains quite like this. We all applauded as she rode off. Mark had said it would be approx 20 mins to summit, more or less depending on our old girls. They were managing 10 minutes in their Proton. Who knows what Team Lotus times were.  Before we started -

On the Transfagarasan highway

Setting off up the Trans with the Extra fan on and eyes on the temperature gauge and elevation. Starting elevation was 1822 above sea level. It was a very steep drive under the cover of the mountain trees and I was thinking where are the open winding turns between the two mountains "Top Gear" style. We're  we in the right place? Had I been lied to. Had we traveled all these miles for a steep mountain climb with no epic views??????????

The we rounded an apex and there she was. The car went silent, jaws dropped and before us rolled out Tarmac stretching up to the sky weaving in tight turns, more than any on a  Grand Prix circuit that I've seen. Clarkson said this was the best road he had driven. We were on it in Olly. Come on girl get us to the top. Nik was behind the wheel at this point Craig's eyes wide and desperate to get his hands on the steering wheel. I knew today would be epic and I would loose the boys to the road. I wasn't wrong. 

The Turns and inclines were harsh on Olly but Nik nursed her round. All realising that at this point Olly was maybe not the best car of choice. Craig wanting to rag his ST round the tight turns and Nik lusting after the Lotus. Me happy to reach the top, body shaking and glad to be standing. Thinking back, how was Anna  going to so this on a push bike?

We all pulled into a lay by two thirds up to check out the views. Cameras clicking, excited chatter and feeling and looking like we really where on the top of the world. I have decided mountains are my thing. I might have to try snow boarding, if you have met me you'll know how funny the idea of that is! 

Out came our Build a Bear mascots to have their pictures too. Mark came down to see us up to a better view point, could there be one? It just gets better. Getting Olly on was a mission with a huge tickle to her under belly. My legs were shaking, my knuckles white and stomach lurching but I couldn't not look. I'm not looking to good in the pictures. 

We had previously decided we would try some "wild" camping and look for a mountain side spot to pitch our tents. Mark and Richard had spotted one so we headed to it to see if we could get Olly off the road and over the rocks etc with Belly intact. Craig and I walked her in after scouting out a possible spot. Tent up, Craig beetling Nik's erection time of 51 sec with a amazing 31 sec's. gazebo up and time for lunch. What better location with stunning views but back enough from the edge for me to relax. I chilled away from the edge while the boys to Olly back out on to the Trans, Craig behind the wheel this time. I didn't fancy loosing my lunch as my stomach lurched at every turn. Once on their way I thought, should have kept the passports with me in case they don't return. 

Others joined us at camp and there was still no sight of the boys, should I get worried? They turned up eventually with huge grins. This was worth all the driving time and hours just to get to this point. However, they did report back that the brakes were not man enough for the job and break fade was an issue going down. Knowing we had gone up we must go down tomorrow over the other side of the mountain!

Camp was at 6,600 feet. 4,778 higher than our starting point. Wild camping was just the best camping night I have ever experienced. This is how it should be. No toilets, showers, bar, restaurant or wifi. But strangely the best mobile phone signal while sitting on top of the world.  It was BBQ time with the boys from some of the teams collecting fire wood. Team nightmare had an axe of all things. Imagine getting searched at the boarder with one of those. Steve set about sawing, lets just say it wasn't a quick job and everyone in camp sat about laughing. More beer needed. The Swedes set off to find Anna who returned looking triumphant but exhausted. A mountain stream was was needed. 

The fire was awesome, thanks to Steve's chopping efforts and some skilled fire building. We hadn't had much luck with Polish BBQ coals and those left from all the BBQ's also went on. The temperature was dropping and black clouds were rolling on. Lightening could be seen way in the distance. You could see the lightening bolt hit the ground below. Then ....we were suddenly engulfed in a cloud. I have never sat in a camping chair in a cloud before and doubt I will again. It was like a damp smog where you struggled to see 12 feet in front of you. Hole Windy teams disappeared.. Worrying really seeing as we were on top of a mountain ledge. Then came the rain, full on torrential dumping right on top of us. The camp sight was desimated with everyone grabbing their belongings and throwing them into their vehicles and diving into tents. No time for a quick loo stop, brush of teeth or change of clothes. We buttoned down the hatches while the rain kept coming, then huge bolts of thunder and lightening. It was on us, we were in it! The lightening lit up the whites of our eyes as we went from pitch black to day light, it seemed. Craig was checking the seems of the tent for potential leaks. It's only single skin after all. We held onto each other not sure if we would be washed off the mountain or hit by a bolt of lightening. It seemed to pass and then star all over again. Finally it mellowed and then the voice in the darkness said is everyone still alive?

Tomorrow we're headed to .............

Monday, 24 June 2013

So what's changed in 18 years?

Romania, Brasov

A very long day from Hungary to our campsite in Brasov, over 
7 constant hours on pot hole covered roads with lawless drivers. 
Craig was driving through the border crossing and was the first to experience a very special driving experience where all sense of safety,common sense and lawfulness are cast aside. Near disaster was well avoided and as soon as we threw all the driving rules we apply out the window and adopted the local driving style we were just fine. Cutting people up, not using indicators and driving on the bumper of the car in front  was the way forward. Today felt like a long slog in 35 degree heat with constant sun and no shade. The drivers tan is developing well. Due to the miles ahead we only stopped to fuel and take comfort breaks, but they were hard to come. This is where I wished I had listened to advice to bring a "she wee" with me.  

We felt reassured while having a road side Sarnie that another team sped past, spotted us and came to check we were ok only to find us making our lunch. A bonus of being sticker covered Windy style is that we can easily spot one another. Some vehicles are easier to spot than others. 

On what was a very long drive we continued to play our game. If you see a camper van VW style you have to shout "billly" to claim a point. First to shout "billy" it. If you're in the front it's much easier so my score is not great.

Romania has changed. In the towns and cities there was obvious signs of growth in infrastructure and commercial expansion. Tesco extra have arrived here too and you can collect Club card points too. The villages and small towns haven't changed much I could say from 18 years ago when I visited. There are however new houses being built alongside the old properties. To amuse us on our journey we were stalk spotting. It seems they favour building their nests on the top of the telephone poles. I was not convinced they were real until there was movement. We of course had the Gysy spotting on over drive and couldn't resist the "Borat" lines each time we came across them. Between Stalks and Gypsies there were the frequent roadside prostitues   all day, through out the day. 

On arrival into Brasov it was unrecognisable. A huge sprawling metropolis complete with Tesco extra, Carrefour and Liddle. The old towns till had character, it's just a matter of progressI suppose. 
As we headed for our camp site we came across Milly and Jezebel, so a convey was assumed. 
Nice site but campers and vans separated. Little wooden huts available and there was also the hotel. I dived for the shower on arrival and was caught out by the squat loo. I did find a sit down after by which time me and my shorts needed a clean. As I left the shower block  the rain had descended and came down with force. Thanks to the boys the tent was up as was gazebo with everyone huddled under until the rain ceased. Unfortunately it looked like it was in for the night. We all headed to the restaurant at the hotel and 20 or so of us took up a long table and exploited the cheap food and wine. Fillet steak £7 and champagne £6. Rude not to indulge, won't be able as soon as we are headed westwards! Good times with the Windy camping crew. We even had a birthday. It was Holly from Team Nightmare, cake and candles to celebrate. 

Tomorrow  we head off to ....................

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Pictures, finally

24th of June I think. 

I have been so frustrated at not being able to add photos to the blog and couldn't understand why. While lying here in a hotel room in Rouse - Bulgaria I have cracked it! It's late but I'm missing the tent and air bed and just can't sleep. 

Turns out I needed to use the Google Blogger AP for mobile devices. All sorted and I have added some relevant pictures to the previous posts.

Wild Camping up a mountain on The Transfagarasan highway in Romania, the road we've all come to drive. Clarkson said it's the best and we can't disagree. Here she is. 

Us at the top 

Awesome !

Time on the road with us

I'm usually first up and crawl from the tent bleary eyed, depending on volume of cocktails bleary ness is more so on some days than others. Stove lit first to boil kettle for a cuppa tea for Craig and a cafitiere of coffee for Nik and I. We're missing our wedding gift purchse of a Nespresso machine. On a quick get away it's the "lucky dip" cereal or on a more relaxed morning it's a bacon and egg's ( twice so far!). On some mornings it's jump in the car and fuel up Olly and us. The routine of packing starts, beds deflated, tent empty and wiped down inside and the puzzle of the repacking. Once on the road we resume our position's and the journey begins. But only once the destination is programmed into the Satnav and invariably re-programmed as it struggles to find some of the locations then we hit the road.

We generally only stop to re fuel. Ours is a road side picnic which to date consists of "ham" we think, cheese, mayo and crisps. Our diet is not so good!

On arrival Nik & Craig head in to fix a pitch and hand over Nik's drivers licence for their security. All the Windy campers try to pitch together but some of the campers are directed to "camper city" so we join up for evening drinks normally by Jezebel and Milly our 2 camper vans. Milly comes fully pimped out with LED's, light up spice rack, hot and cold water, porter potty loo, bar area and most importantly her hanging baskets and very large pole with wind sock so we all know where she is.

Now, our camp set up is currently a competition between Craig and Nik to pitch tent. We choose a Coleman instant 4, supposedly erected in 1 minute. So far Nik has it at 51 sec's Craig last night managed 31 sec's. Tonight we're treating ourselves to a hotel so the competition of erecting is on hold until tomorrow !

Then it's the turn of the bed's being blown up and the campsite comes alive to the sound of electric pumps running off the car's. it's become a strangely re-assuring hum because it means beer-o-clock is almost upon us. Kitchen set up, chairs out, showers had (well some of us) and the party an then begin. We're currently alternating between BBQ, stove cooked pasta something and we've had some teaam meals out, making the most of cheap food and beer. It would be a crime not to when a beer costs sec£1.00 and a bottle of champagne in Romania was £6.00!

A cozy night is then had all packed in our tent. Nik takes the middle and Craig and I either side. Craig fits his industrial earplugs and off to sleep we go, weather permitting. so far we have had blistering humid heat, torrential rain and lightening. Then tomorrow comes and the adventure begins again,we're a bit like the Littlest Hobo!

Newlywed camping delights

Camp Newlywed

Not sure if I have explained camp Newlywed yet so I'll give you a snapshot of life on the road with us. In general Nik & Craig swap about between being driver and co-pilot. I usually am camped out in the rear. My job is taking pictures as we trundle along, I think I am getting the hang out of leaning out of the window clicking away to see if I have caught anything of interest. Lots of curbs, roads and shrub's but with the occasional half decent shot. There is a lot of miles to cover so stopping to take lots of pictures would mean we would take 2 months not 3 weeks judging by the volume of clicks my camera is taking. I do get the occasional sit up in the front but seeing as my other past time is sleeping the back seat is better for  me!

Everything In the car has it's place down to the packets of cereal stuffed behind the car seats, it's a lucky dip in the morning based on what Craig pulls out. Between us we have worked out over the last week what we need, where and Craig is the master of packing. We have the essentials for road side Sarnie making to hand on the other half of the rear seat and the washing up bowel is filled with the essential items. The cool box,not small and needs regular feeding of ice daily is safely stashed under the mini bar. Easy to roll out kerb side, continent style. Well thought out by my husband and Aaron Taylor. The chosen packing combination is currently favouring the solid items like chairs, cooker, BBQ, gazebo and lots of Craig's tools in the boot with cans of beer stuffed in various places. The much used started pack lives there too and charges from a source cleverly rigged up by........... ... Craig of course! The rear of the car has the "soft" items. Clothes, sleeping bags, pillows and most importantly our tent. And of course me. Craig has given me a little section with a hanging carrier bag stash, lip balm, glasses, tissues, pen, pain killers and wet wipes. No lip gloss though that was abandoned somewhere between Amsterdam and Germany.

Our Newly wed mascots take pride of place on the bar. When I can get to be able to load some pictures I'll introduce them to you. They are Build a Bears - bride and groom. Nik's sister,Partner and our Niece gave them to us the night of our wedding rehearsal. I suspect Florence had a lot to do with this. The groom snores and Bride says "I love you", they got it just right. Talking of which, Camp Windy have also met Pumba the loudest snorer on camp. Tents do leave space between their tent and ours!

We have realised that our map is not detailed enough as have many teams so that map get's pasted between the 3 of us trying to pin point where we are. Sally Satnav is earning her keep and the additional one we had to buy to replace the one that broke was essential.  We're still using the old one as she gives us the elevation reading and seeing as there is some epic hill climbing going on that's essential! Nik and Craig really are putting in the hard work to get the miles done and for Nik who drives for a living he is finding it more gruelling than expected. It's different driving Olly on unfamiliar roads in bad road conditions where the driving rules are at times non existent and near collision is avoidance is at every turn. Road warning signs, if present don't warn in sufficient time and drivers in Hungary and Romania seem to pull out to dart round you unsure of what is oncoming. When they need to pull in it's almost on you're bumper.

Heading over the river Danube from Romania into Bulgaria to our destination of Rouse

So camp Newlywed set up starts with Nik a suggested list of accommodation from Steve the previous evening when he reveals tomorrow's destination. All teams receive a print out of destination, useful facts, distance, places of interest, suggested accommodation option's, currency, legal road requirements and a google map of the local area. The accommodation options are hotel, B&B and camp sites. Steve always says where he is anticipating to stay and so far all Winder campers are heading for the same site for post drive debrief and beers. This is a great part of the Windy fun and we are continually having new teams and team members come and go. We're now at the point where we are getting to know them members names rather than refer to them as Team .......... Also those of us who have named our vehicles refer to those too.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Off to see The Man himself

Count Dracula at Brasov - Romania. Which also means the famed Transfagarasan highway is nearly ours to take on. That however will be tomorrow so you'll just have to wait.

I should jus say that I am having Real problems loading pictures onto the blog and everything in my blog instructions is coming up in a foreign language and I don't know how to change this. If you do please let me know.

Dinner last night was "interesting" to say the least! Goulash soup you would think in Hungary would be spot on. No, it was what looked to be watered clear warm liquid with floaty pasta and carrots. Totally bland so chilly flakes added but then some kind of meat on a vertebra was brought out we. Guessed that was the meat for the Goulash. The main was a take on Chicken Cordon Bleu. That wasn't too bad. It was a Windy meal out with some of the teams and the menu, not in English was explained to a point. By a girl who was brought over from the pool to help out. We were shortly joined but what looked to be the whole local police force. I have to say they build them big and fierce over here. You wouldn't want to mess with them! They have real guns too.

We're headed for Brasov in Romania. This means that tomorrow we hit the jumping off point for the much anticipated Transfagarasan highway. But today is the home of Dracula!!!!!

There had been some rule breaking yesterday in Slovakia when Team Sweden were pulled over by the Police and deported from the country because they had no Vignettes. A pass to use the motorways in some places we have been to and are going to. They had a €40 fine and a deportation order, fantastic! We by the way have not brought any either in any of the countries we have been through but so far so good, fingers crossed. We are getting one for Romania though, we can't. Miss the Transfagarasan highway!

The Transfagarasan Highway was built by Ceausescu in the early 70's as a military route. It is the second highest paved road in Romania, traveling 90km from North to South. It climbs to 2034 metres in altitude. Thus far Olly has been to 3500 so half as high and she and we struggled, it's gonna be a challenge and the next Blog will fill you in. We're "wild" camping tomorrow night so we will be on be on wild bear watch. It's officially closed until the 1st of July due to snow however, Steve says unofficialy it's usually open a few weeks earlier. Fingers crossed, the boys are so excited I' m nervous and we're all a little worried about what happens if Olly stops half way and we have to push.

Today will be a walk down memory lane for me. In 1995 I visited Romania with a church group and a Dentist to deliver some aid to an Orphanage the other side of Romania. We stayed on route in Brasov, tonight's destination. I'm interested to see how Romania has changed and in particular Brasov. Many memories from that trip, some very emotive and I am hoping to see a much better side to Romania. Just before I met Nik I had a job offer to return to Romania and put my Occupational Therapy skills to good use and work with an organisation working to help re-settle children leaving the institutionally regime of a Orphanage as they had grown to be young adults with very little life skills. The kind of work done in the UK years previously when our large Asylums were closed down.
So you could say I have unfinished business in Romania. Meeting Nik, I decided not to make a return trip but part of me has often wondered what life would be like now. Today I get to see.

An emotional experience

We had a long day yesterday so we powered on and didn't make any "sight seeing stops". Once Olly was on her way we made the most of it so missed some of the experiences that others had had. One of which was Auschwitz, Team nightmare had said although it was very moving it was an experience we had to have as we were only 40 minutes away.

As Nik had broken the Satnav the day before we had yet another un-planned expenditure. A mission to find a replacement was just that. We spoke absolutely no Polish and a Satnav  is not rally a loaf of bread or bottle of milk. As it turns out Tesco Extra has taken over The world, or everywhere we have been so far! Club card points not accepted though. Satnav installed and off to Auschwitz we headed.

It looked just like the documentaries and films but I hadn't fully prepared myself for the emotion. Continual gulps in my throat at every turn. Scary that one man had so much influence to command such devastation to life and the cause of so much suffering. I have never had a tour with head phones but it really helped to listen but give me space to explore and take time to register what I could see. I opted out of some sections because I just couldn't take much more horror and the feelings of sadness swinging to anger and disbelief. The heat was unrelenting, 35 degrees or maybe more. Nik struggled and was darting between the shade. I would recommend the experience, it's a must for lessons to be learnt and for generations to understand just how real this genocide was.We didn't quite know what to say to each other so we got in the car and made our way to Poprad, Slovakia.

On a lighter note we were also very surprised by Poland. We hadn't expected it to be so "trendy" , "modern" and friendly. It was also a beautiful country. We were able to come off the motorways and actually see the country which made the journey so much more enjoyable. The question on our lips is why would you leave what seems to be a lovely country to come to England?

Our destination of Poprad in Slovakia led us through the mountains and into stunning scenery through ski towns and challenged Olly on the steep winding passes. For me the camera didn't leave my hand and my spirit was lifted. The camp state it's self was located with a stunning view of the mountains ahead but the view was slightly masked due to the low clouds.

Our view when we surfaced from our tent was spectacular

Tomorrow our destination is...................

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Team Newlywed are back in the game

The hotel really pulled it out of the bag and breakfast was great so we made the best of it and filled up for what we hoped would be a long days drive to catchup with the rest. We hoped. I had not slept at all worrying about whether we would get back on the road. If we didn't what do we do with us, our belongings and Olly. A lump in our throats as we tried to be positive. It dawned on me that I had become emotionally attached to Olly. I suppose having her on our drive for over a year and getting married with Olly playing a staring role was allways going to make parting with her hard. I had never even thought we would have to.

We arrived at the garage and she was in the bay with bonnet up. Craig said that was a good sign. Then the News we had waited for, she was.....Olly was saved. New lease of life and we were back in the Windy. I fought back the tears, never so relieved to get back in a car for 7 hours of constant driving from Germany to ................ Krakow in Poland !

The boys did a great job and I was so glad to say goodbye to Germany as were we all. We caught up with the rest of the group at Krakow. The campsite was cracking and we were on a group pitch with some of the teams. After the nightmare 2 days we were so pleased to be back under canvas and cooking on Nik's pride and joy his Son of Hibatchi BBQ. Nik was glad to finally get his very cheap beer and tired and hungry he was soon 4 sheets to the wind. Worrying as he was sleeping between Craig and I in our small tent, only just big enough for our 3 airbeds! Weird honeymoon, I do agree. Wouldn't change it for the world though, actually we are getting some of the world!

We sadly, have not been the only ones to full by the way side. Team Freedomescaping broke down in Prague and were told the part they neede would not be available for 5 days. Big decisions for them too. Currently looking into buying part in uk and flying it out by courier.

Craig finally settled after spending time in his favourite place, under the hood of Olly. They are truly BFF's

Destination from Krakow, Poland  .........

Are we coming home sooner than planned

 Prague, Czech Republic

With heavy hearts we waved of teams not knowing if we would make it to Prague. Desperate for 1. Cheap beer and 2. Fantastic architecture and photo opportunities for me.

We jumped Olly and headed to find a Garage and supermarket. Both found in the same location. Best German put into practice and new quick Battery in. £90 of holiday money spent. We're off again. Faulty wire disconnected and engine ticking over nicely. Supplies stocked up, Netto of all places. It's saving grace was an amazing bakery and Craig's eyes popped out of his head. Very healthy breakfast to see us on our way to Prague.

60 miles in all good we stopped to lift the bonnet for a quick check. Disaster, smoke coming out of new battery! Craig dives for his tools and is into action. After much face pulling in his concentration pose and picking with his electric prong things diagnosis is alternator! Alternator disconnected and Olly limped to a garage. Craig was furious he had already replaced it only 8 months previously. Luckily the garage was not too far away. Typically it's a Bosh garage = not cheap. Cost to replace £230. Total £330 in one day. We decided to take the risk or it was game over for Team Newlywed. We didn't even know the name of the town we were in, turns out it's Aschersleben. The part can't be fixed before 12.00 tomorrow so no cheap Beers in Prague for us, we're stuck in Germany!

In a hotel where not many staff speak any  English is a challenge. Huge family room for Team Newlywed at £80 b&b. Missing the tent though! All our stuff is in Olly who is all alone and locked at the garage. We however are in The City Hotel in a very sleepy town which doesn't seem to have seen many tourists and Brits. Not at all cosmopolitan. A land that time forgot. After a walk around town my summary is some nice buildings, generally unfriendly locals and judging by our lunch working our way round a German Menu is a total nightmare. With 3 options to choose from we had all 3. As Nik so eloquently called it number 1 was cat sick, 2 was sloppy veg and stale bread and 3 was the best of a bad bunch, a take on Bruschetta. We headed to Netto to stock up, unsure of our dinner choices.

One good thing was a decent shower and a bed but we still all agreed that we missed Olly and our blow up beds. It was a very somber day, not sure if we were out of the Windy for good. Contingency plans started to be formed with Katy planning an escape if needed and Ed looking into how we could get our stuff home.

We went to bed trying to be positive but all praying Olly would be ok. She means a lot to us all.

Destination now.....................


Gosler, where I here you ask. So did we!

Turns out we're headed out of Holland to Germany. It was mentioned that there was an engineering feet worth seeing in northern Holland but it would add approx 60 miles on. It was a Dyke spanning several miles. Pretty cool we thought so a detour it was.

Gosler was a medieval town in the pine mountains. We were making good time so we could have a beer in the town when our route was blocked, road closed! Time to stretch the legs and consult the map and Satnav. New route planned so back in the car. Car dead!

We had all smelt an eggy smell for a while but explained it away to euro fuel. Turns out it was the battery over cooking. Thankfully Craig had decided to invest in a booster pack to jump Olly back to life. However, the question was why? Engine over revving too. Panic setting in. Was this a repair or going to end it before we had barely started.  Decision made limp to campsite and get a new battery tomorrow. In the meantime Craig was going to find out the answer to Why?

As it was Sunday we had struggled to stock up on supplies. The campsite was rustic and basic but I really liked the quiet Forrest location. Dinner was a "bitza" dinner made tasty by Lucy's onion and chilli. Craig set about working on the car and the cause thought be a wire that had shorted out. Now where to find it? Craig found what he thought it was and disconnected it but this took out the Hazzard warning lights. Clock and stereo. I said I would sing but they said no thanks. All other electrical addition's turned off.

Rain! Early to bed mulling over the potential outcomes of Olly's poorly state and coming to terms with decisions we may have to make.

Firstly, hoping we can make tomorrow's destination..................