Thursday, 21 March 2013

Team Newlywed become famous

Our local paper The Banbury Guardian has printed an article on our Honeymoon adventure. We're hoping some of the people living in our local area will get behind us to support us in our fund raising efforts. We've started our Just giving pages so that those who would like to can donate to our chosen charities. We have chosen Julia's House Hospice in Dorset which is the nominated charity from The Windy 500. We have also chosen the Thames Valley Air Ambulance. Gem has a lot to thank them for and knowing that they provide their life saving services funded by charitable donations this was our own personal way of giving something back.

The Just Giving link pages below will take you to a quick and easy way of donating to our charities.

Our just giving page - Julia's House Hospice

Our just giving 2nd page - Air Ambulance

As Nik is a DJ and we have our own business- Lets Go Disco,  we are planning to run some charity fund raising events so look out for some events coming up, we will post updates on our blog.

Please click on the link to ;  Lets Go Disco

Things are picking up pace now as our wedding is only 6 weeks away. Olly has been off the road since November but is going to have a spring clean and overhaul as she is needed in top shape to take Gem to the Church on our Wedding day. Craig will have his head under the bonnet making sure she runs smoothly and Usher and Gem's brother will be putting his car body prep skills into place to make Olly look her best. 

Team 38 and Team 6 from the Windy 500 are joining us for our evening reception so Olly may not be the only Windy 500 car at our wedding. To check out Team 38 and Team 6 you can head to the Windy 500 website via the link below.

The Windy 500

There are still places left for teams to take part or for individuals to join teams for the 2013 Windy 500.

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